: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; ReCaptcha has a deprecated constructor in
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Hello there!
Welcome to the
Simulated United States Air Force crew entrance exam
. To be apart of something special, you must have what it takes, right?
But don't worry, this is a simple test, comprised of 10 multiple choice questions. Questions are based on
general knowledge about Simulated United States Air Force, IFR flight operations, meteorology, airmanship and navigation.
Each question carries a 10% mark, and a total of 70% is required to pass. Please enter your email address below and click on 'Begin Exam' to start.
Important :
Integrity and self-descipline are some of the qualities which we expect our pilots to have. Enforcing the same, cheating will be strictly prohibited in this entrance exam. The System will automatically mark you as 'Fail' if you attempt to leave this page, or even switch tabs in your browser. The questions must be answered within the given time frame (10 minutes), if not, the system will consider whatever answers you have marked, and if luck permits, you will pass. Otherwise, you will have to wait for the cooling period to finish (12 hours) to retest. Best of luck. See you on the other side!
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